Sunday, February 24, 2008
Cell Phone Ban
1. Cell phone banning in school can put a stop to disruptions in class and distractions as well.
2. Cell phone banning can put a stop to cheating on exams.
3. Alleviates the issue of theft and violence between all students.
4. Teachers and staff have more control over the students, with other students interfering.
5. Set a strict learning environment in all schools.
6. It will make cutting school and classes harder to do, students can't contact each other on their where abouts around the building.
1. Hard for students to contact their parents and employers in case of emergencies.
2. Many students have parents who work late and cell phones are used as a safety device, so parents cancheck up on their children.
3. In case of school emergency,how are students going to contact their parents or guardians???
4. God forbid, someone gets hurt,how are they going to contact the police, fire department or ambulence.
5. If there are no payphones in site and you rarely see pay phones nowadays and that work too.
Uniform Dress Code
1. School uniforms
would save parents money.
2. School uniforms would save parents
Kids in the morning would not haveto make up their minds on
what to wear.
3. Kids who's parents would not or could not buy them the newest
trend, would not be embarrassed or harassed
because of their clothes.
4. Kids social standing
would be based more on individual character and less their economic status.
5.Lots of gangs use clothes to identify
themselves and other gangs.
6.Some kids use baggy clothes to hide weapons and drugs.
7.Uniforms make it easy to identify kids who belong
in the school.
1. Why not simply remove the gang members from the
schools and place them in an alternative learning environment like a boot
2. School Uniforms are expensiveand have no use out
side of school.
3. School uniforms will donothing but cut down on a
students individuality.
4. A uniform is not the wayto cut down on school violence.
5. The only thing that will cut down on school violence
is if parents would pay attention to their children and keep their children
out of trouble and give them consequences when they disobey and not to let
them run wild.
6. School is also the place where the next actors,
writers, artists, politicians,inventors, designers and and musicians are
7.School uniforms senda clear early-life message to
students that conformity is important and creativityis not, that authority
is allowed to abuse it's power and constrain our constitutional right to
free speech and expression, (Tinker vs. Dimoines).
8. Students learn from uniforms that their individuality,
political opinions and religiousrights are unimportant, as is their education:
students are regularly suspendedfor non compliance to the uniform code even
if their school work is excellent.
9. If all students wear uniforms anda crime was commited
or someone was attacked, it will be hard to identify the victim and the attacker.
Due to all students wearing uniforms at the time of the attack or crime.
I feel strongly about this issue because I am for
the dress code of Uniforms in schools. Uniforms set aside social classes
and creates equality among all students. Also school uniforms alleviate the
issue of theft and peer pressure issues as well. It also gives us practice
for real world attire. It is my opinion that school is in the 'business'
of learning. School is the place where the next lawyers, bankers, CPA's and
Doctors are given the fundamentals of working in this economy. One of the
basics of our culture in the working world is conservative dressing, dress
code, or even uniforms. When getting out into the real world by looking for
a job or going to work, you would know how to dress professionally. And also
because I think Uniforms are cute to wear,as a girl I wouldn't mind wearing
one if I had to.
Same-Sex Marriage
1. Denying them is a violation of religious freedom (civil and religious
marriages are two separate institutions).
2. Marriage benefits (such as joint ownership, medical decision-making
capacity)should be available to all couples.
3. Homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle nowadays with a proven biologicalcausation.
4.Denying these marriages is a form of minority discrimination.
5. It doesn't hurt society or anyone in particular.
6.The only thing that should matter in marriage is love.
7. The number of child adoptions should increase since gay couples
cannotpro-create (although some might see an increase in gay adoptions as
an argumentagainst same-sex marriages).
8. It encourages people to have strong family values and give up high-risksexual
1.Most religions consider homosexuality a sin.
2. It would weaken the definition and respect for the institutionof
3. It would further weaken the traditional family values essential
to our society.
4.It could provide a slippery slope in the legality of marriage (e.g.
havingmultiple wives or marrying an object could be next).
5. The gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, asa lot of
research shows it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders,
and other problems.
I feel strongly about this issue because the constitution declares
thateveryone has the right to pursue the right to happiness, express their
libertiesof freedom ;as long as they don't endanger the safety and rights
of the public.Well, how does same-sex marriage endanger the public? Easy,
it doesn't endangeranyone it just makes homosexuals happy to lead a more
stable family life. Further more, it will be hypocrtical of us, to ban them
from marrying, theyare like us, they all work and provide for our society.
Take the fashionworld as an example, the clothes, the trends and makeup styles
came fromthe creative minds of some homosexual designers and artists. If we
are happywith what they provide in fashion, why can't they be happy by getting
marriedto their life partners, right? Not, only in fashion but in all other
vocationsthat help provide for our economy, just like everyone else provides.
So,don't they have the right to be happy?